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HerbalHim Herbs

Asparagus racemosa
Known in Ayurvedic medicine as a useful tonic for sexual dysfunction in both sexes, it is particularly renown for its benefit to the female reproductive system. more...

A small flowering shrub first used by the Maya civilization and now grown extensively in South America. Damiana is a centuries-old aphrodisiac, anti-depressant, antiseptic and diuretic therapy. more...

Epimedium Sagittatum
A highly valued medicinal plant of Chinese herbalism, Epimedium Sagittatum is now widely celebrated for its aphrodisiac and energy boosting potential. more...

Mucuna Pruriens
A popular herb of Ayurvedic Indian medicine, the active ingredient in Mucuna Pruriens produces dopamine, a key neurotransmitter in the control of sexual function. more...

Tribulus Terrestris
Tribulus Terrestris has traditionally been used as a major constituent in various tonics of Indian ayurveda practice and is now widely recognized as having aphrodisiac properties. more...

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